When children between birth and 34½ months of age are suspected of having delays in any of the developmental areas, they are evaluated by one of the Early Intervention Programs and provided services if they are found eligible through Part C. When children reach the age of 28 months, Early Intervention begins the process of transitioning the child to his or her local public school district. If the district finds the child eligible for special education services under IDEA Part B, an IEP is developed and services begin on the child’s third birthday or the first day of school for children with summer birthdays who are not eligible for extended year services.
1. The Early Intervention program notifies the LEA and RIDE of anticipated transition 2. The Early Intervention Service Coordinator is contacted to set up a home visit 3. Home visit is conducted with parents/guardian, and service coordinator. Agenda of meeting:
4. Submission of formal referral form 5. Referral Meeting with Preschool Evaluation Team Preschool Evaluation Team Agenda:
6. Parents are provided copies of all evaluations completed by the school district and are notified by mail of date/time of eligibility meeting. 7.Eligibility Meeting is conducted to review evaluations and to determine eligibility for special education services. If the child is not deemed eligible, referral to community agencies is made when appropriate. 8. If a child is found eligible for special education services and IEP meeting is held. |
Early Intervention Service Coordinator Early Childhood Coordinator (LEA) Early Intervention Service Coordinator Early Childhood Coordinator (LEA) Early Childhood Coordinator Early Childhood Coordinator (LEA) and appropriate members of preschool evaluation team (may include psychologist, social worker, speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, etc.) Office Staff of Pupil Personnel Services Early Childhood Coordinator (LEA) and Preschool Evaluation Team IEP Team |
At age 28 months or at least 90 days before the child’s third birthday Immediately Around age 30 months and no later than 90 days prior to child’s third birthday Upon district receipt of enrollment packet Once child is enrolled, every effort is made for this meeting to occur at 32-33 months of age ___days prior to meeting Within 60 days of receipt of consent to evaluate Within 15 school days and at least 10 days before the child’s third birthday. or If a child is referred to Early Intervention and found eligible between 33 and 34 ½ months, the district implements the IEP by his/her third birthday or as soon thereafter as possible. |