Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a process of determining appropriate support and interventions to supplement and intensify the core curriculum to meet the needs of all learners. RTI involves a shared responsibility between general education and special education. Supports and services are provided with increased intensity whereby individuals collaborate in various ways as part of a problem solving process. General education and special education staff work together as part of intervention teams so that student needs are identified early, appropriate instruction/interventions are implemented and student progress is monitored for program efficacy and decision making (RI Criteria and Guidance for the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities, 2010).
Special Education Decision Making |
Special education eligibility consideration (referral for evaluation) can be initiated at any time for a student who is suspected of having a disability. For a student already participating in a Response to Intervention process, evidence of a significant academic skill deficit and insufficient progress, even when provided research based interventions*, could trigger the suspicion of a specific learning disability and a referral for evaluation. An additional consideration when making the referral might be the apparent need for ongoing and specialized supports and services in order for the student to benefit from the general education curriculum. *Generally speaking, a student should receive at least 2 cycles of intensive intervention before a special education decision regarding learning disability is made. An intervention cycle typically lasts about 9 weeks. A student is referred for special education when there is a suspicion of a disability. The referring person(s) must fill out Prereferral Guide for Special Education form and include all relevant documentation in a Referral Folder. This folder is given to the RTI chairperson or principal at the building and kept at the school until the referral review meeting. Relevant documentation is transferred to student’s special education file after the referral review meeting. ![]()
Referral for special education eligibility consideration can be initiated at any time for a student who is suspected of having a disability. Either a parent/guardian of a child or a public agency may initiate a request for an initial evaluation to determine if the child is a child with a disability Prior to any decision regarding referral of a student to an evaluation team for determination of eligibility for special education and related services, targeted and intensive interventions delivered in the general education setting to alleviate the educational problems shall be provided to the student. However, these interventions must not delay appropriate evaluation if the student is suspected of having a disability, regardless of the number of days or levels in such interventions the student has completed. A direct referral shall be made to the evaluation team if a student’s educational problem(s) are such that a direct referral is warranted and can be supported and documented. ( RI Criteria and Guidance for the Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities, 2010) ![]()